madeline & florian


Moonlight whispers grace,
Silent trees in night's embrace,
Nature's lullaby.

monaco wedding



Madeline and Florian's love story reached its pinnacle in a glamorous Monaco wedding. Amidst the principality's luxurious charm, they exchanged vows, creating an unforgettable chapter in their journey. The nuptials, a symphony of elegance, unfolded against Monaco's breathtaking backdrop. Surrounded by the azure Mediterranean, their celebration epitomized opulence and romance. Friends and family reveled in the couple's happiness, witnessing a Monaco wedding that seamlessly blended sophistication with heartfelt moments. Explore the allure of Monaco weddings, where love meets grandeur, making each ceremony a royal affair against the backdrop of this enchanting principality.

NeXt Gallery



wedding, couple session, portrait session...


for wedding my prices start at 3500€

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